Per Dr. Jason's suggestion we like to mix the bermuda hay with timothy when we can because it's courser and less likey to compact like the bermuda can. Having a choice of the bermuda and the timothy we usually found the timothy scattered around the stall the next day so this way it's all mixed and each bit should have a little of both.
The other night Andy, one of the barn owners' horses coliced (he's perfectly fine now) and so the vet and all of us were standing in front of Andy's stall talking which is next door to Lester's. I had just given out the night time hay of both bermuda and timothy and (this was before we had the hay bag)I had to laugh at Lester because each time he popped his head out to check on things he had a mouth full of the timothy, almost like he was trying to impress Dr. Jason that he was being a good boy and eating the courser hay. Once we left the stall area Lester resumed to eating the bermuda again, lol.
Isn't it amazing how dexterous they are with their noses? I'm continually amazed at what they'll pick through to come up with exactly the bite they want!
I know! their noses are like short little elephant trunks!
Oh....thsat is a great idea..was just reading the "Horse Journal" article about time releasing hay for a better effect- for all horses!
Reading about the colic...I am worried..our water is frozen and so off I go to the stable now to give the mares some Beet Pulp I brought home last night!! Lots of Moisture for the gut!
Hey! I have that same hay bag, but in purple! :)
Our dog, Comet (the black one) used to gobble his food so fast. We put some large rocks in his food dish to slow him down. He's still a fast eater but at least he takes time to chew now.
what a good boy impressing the vet with his eating behavior. we have all hay nets for our 'Hoovers', ah, I mean herd. It really slows them down and they don't seem to waste as much and make such a mess.
LOL!!! Lester is like the patient who eats well the night before a fasting blood test, and thinks that it will make his cholesterol look better than it really does. :)
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