And NO I did not make this cake the friend that helped me put the party together had a friend make it!
The major planning began on Saturday afternoon when I had to make up a story for leaving the house during the day- so unlike me. So I told him I was going to the local tack shop. Instead I met up with a friend from work and we went shopping- in the total opposite direction of the tack shop. I thought for sure my cover was blown when I got a voicemail from Matt telling me he saw me at Publix and he wanted to know what I was doing:-o So I thought fast on my feet and said I had to go to the other tack shop in town and then stop by the store and get some carrots- because I wouldn't be able to do it later when I had the girls (dogs) in the car to go to the farm. Disaster adverted:-) Sunday was the day of the party and I made sure not to ask too far in advance if Matt would go to the farm with me (that's where the party was), if I did then he would know something was up... So I waited midday and asked if he'd come watch me ride because the barn owners would be gone and it's a rule that someone must be on the property in order to ride. So Matt, as always, reluctantly agreed to go:-) I wasn't sure what was the best time for us to show up, I didn't want to go too
early or too late. I woke him up from a nap around 3:30 and told him to get ready to go- I had tried earlier in the day to get him to take a shower without him becoming too suspicious, but that was a no-go. It usually takes him 10-15 minutes to wake up from a nap and it usually takes sending Limo in to get him up. But of course not this time. He was up and ready to go so I had to delay a little here and there which made him pretty mad. Finally I say we can go and load the dogs in the car and we are all in the car about to leave and I realized that I forgot my veggie burgers! I would have nothing to eat at the party...so I have to run back in the house with the keys, leaving Matt and the dogs in the car in the heat:-p I couldn't very well just bring out my veggies burgers so I put them in two plastic bags and shoved a bag of apples in there also. I thought for sure I was going to get the third degree of what was so important and what was in the bag, but to my relief he didn't even
ask:-) I even had to wear my breeches so as to make him think I was riding one of the horses.

Because I had made him and the dogs wait in the hot car he wasn't very happy with me, he even got grumpy lol. So I text my friend that I was on the way with a grumpy Matt. Last time I asked him to accompany me to the farm for the reason of no one being there while I rode, it turned out I was wrong and there were several people there. So when we pulled into the gate and down the driveway and he saw cars he got pretty mad and said "see I told you people would be here, I'm just dropping you off!" As we got closer and he recognized the people he turned red and told me I was stupid:-) I was the only one that really got to see his reaction, but he was definitely surprised! And I had pulled it off with all my web of lies:-) At this point he became ungrumpy.
The girls got to stay out for the whole party too and they were both very well behaved.
The guys played volleyball

even Limo wanted to play...
Peanut followed me wherever I went