My little ray of sunshine:-)
As a friend pointed out on Facebook, here's an "Action shot" LOL.
OK, now for some REAL action shots. I know what you guys are thinking, "He's retired?!" I was kinda thinking the same thing that day. But through all the bucking and running I can still see his stiffness, compensation and head bobbing. He really did learn to compensate well and trick us all into thinking he was really sound. Just the other day I walked him out of his stall and he was holding his head really stiff like he had a crick in his neck. I took him into the barn and he about fell into my arms while a massaged his neck and back and it seemed to help. I still can't believe how stiff and hard he was on his right side all through our riding days. Riding other horses correctly has really been a challenge for me because it was always about softening that right side of him- take, take, take -GIVE! Now I give to the other horses too much and don't hold a steady contact- but I'm getting better! For the last 2 months I have ridden on average 4-6 times a week and on several occasions 2 horses a day. I still can't believe I'm riding again!:-) I didn't even know how much I missed it really, I'm just so
lucky that all these opportunities have presented themselves when they did. I'm still riding the 2 Arabians and have started taking a weekly lesson with the owner on one of her boys. I've improved alot if I do say so myself:-) During one of the lessons she gave me such a wake up call. I never realized I didn't have my (inside) leg underneath me and at the girth, I know I've been told in the past to put it at the girth, but I never realized how far back my leg was and rending it pretty useless! I hope to have a video soon.
Ya I don't know what to say about this shot nor how I actually captured it! I'm usually too early or too late!
This pic makes me laugh because Less is actually scratching his on leg with his other foot and it was making him do the lip stretch and head turn of "Oh yeah, that's the spot". He is so freaking cute. Course I eventually had to put the camera down and scratch it for
him and you know what happened next? He "dropped" on my head:-x Yeah, exactly what you're thinking. I was scratching his ankles and ending up crunching under him and then felt "something" hit my head. At least I was wearing a hat for protection! LOL

I know I have been a terrible blogger!:-( Both reader and writer! I'm going to try and do better I've just been so busy! I am never home anymore, just ask Matt, he reminds me of that everyday. He still won't let me forget he had to eat a bag of popcorn and a can of black beans one night.
I loved seeing Lester Buck like that... amazing!!! He looks so darned good D! Great to see all your lovely animals!!!
Thanks for showing us spring(somewhere)...it is NOT here yet...warm but crazy wet and windy still...but you know me, I am getting my rides in and Wa mare just gets more time off. I have learned that the time oof makes for excellent rides...all those years of people telling me to not let 2 days go by with her TB brain...she is the OPPOSITE of what they told me...she thinks about what you did on the ride 3 days earlier and processes it.
Oops beans and popcorn..sometimes it is like that huh.
Yummy photos and great update with your riding too! Yea..video and photos are simply-the best- for reviewing oneself. I am looking for a truck..then I may go to some lessons again -D!!! OH MY!
Well, I am rambling...really missed you!
Be well and come home and kiss/feed the man!
Happy (belated) ReBirthday to Lester :)
I've missed your posts and funny pics but totally understand being busy. Getting ready to move here (really shouldn't even BE online lol)
OMG that is too funny that Les dropped on you. Of course it is only the kind of funny we horse people get.
Poor ole' Applejack needed a "weiner washing" as my friend Ace put it. Thankfully Ace did it for me, as good as he was able to. AJ just would NOT drop so guess the vet will have to come and give some medicinal 'encouragement'.
LOL :-)... Its not like you make dinner for Matt anyway! So who is your favorite horse?
Great pictures! I loved them all! We are all glad you are riding again too.
w00t! Go Les! Ok, just not so much with the dropping on Mom's head. K, thanks!
Poor Matt! Not capable of driving to the store, huh? Or picking up a cookbook? ;)
What's wrong with popcorn and black beans? Fibrelicious!
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