Don't worry, he's not having some neuro breakdown in this pic, he's just mad cuz I chased him off from grazing o:-)

Well the boy can still buck and frolic in the turnout:-) course my dumb camera was "processing" during the huge bucks and rears...
Yesterday Dr. Matt came out and we did the neck x-rays and of course they showed nada :-/ We were both curious if we would see any arthritic changes that would indicate trauma from his past...I was hoping to find something, anything really. He told me to be satisfied with *that* and did not suggest by any means a milogram (putting him under and injection dye into his spine), my chat friend Sara also told me it's not worth it and makes the horse so ill:-( I guess if I wanted to know *something* a body scan is all that would be left, but then again that's just going to show his problem areas and we already have a pretty sure bet it's an old spinal injury of some sort...
Sometimes I 2nd guess my decision and think I can still get on him and ride lightly and then I

remind myself that I have ridden him lightly for YEARS and that's an understatement. Up until last month he seemed pretty OK with anything I did with him... but the not wanting to turn right at all is what really bothered me...I mean it's one thing to be sore, but it's another to not be *able*... But as you can see the ManPony is pretty happy and healthy despite being a lame/ neurological mystery.
So I've kinda taken the month off, I've really just been showing up and feeding and turning out. I've trotted him in hand some here and there, but I think chasing him off his grazing duties will be the most fun for me and a good method of exercise for him. But I do find myself going "Now what"? alot.