My sis, Jen and her hubby Stephen (I call him
Steve bc he loves that ;-) came down to the farm yesterday to hang out... She was playing fetch with her girl Reagan and when they were finished and
Lim was finally let off lead she
snuck up behind Jen and stole the toy! Jen tried to stop her, but Limo was too quick,
LOL look at her face and ruffled "feathers". She then proceeded to run all over with it playing keep away...
My sweet little
LimLim...just gotta (something) her.
I swear as she ran off you could hear her go "hee hee heee" Auntie Jen always has yummie treats in her pockets... my girls pick up on that fast, LOL. 
That is so funny, Limo stole the toy and was too quick for Jen to catch it. Jen who has greyhounds! lmao
now we all know limo was the smart one here. she studied the situation. evaluated the entire thing while she was held back on that lead. some might think she was being naughty. i would dare say she was being strategic. there was laughter i'm sure of it.
Too funny. Beautiful dogs and I love reading your blog and all the animal adventures.
I love the expression on Limo's face/body as she runs with the toy!
I can just hear: NA NA Nuh NA NA...you can't catch me!
score one for jedi-lim.
they just ran the star wars movies on telly here. that post reminded me of luke (jen) being foiled by yoda's little annoying sphere of zappage (lim).
What a rotten little BasShit...teeheehee...just joking! First she steals the toy, and then she goes back to the scene of the crime for a treat. Smart little BasShit!
He he, that's awesome!!
And yes, I am absolutely enjoying my journey!!! I guess I had to endure some bad before the good could come.
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