January 11, 1996
Sometimes it's hard to believe that I have had a horse since I was 11 years old. That's over half of my life! Before Lester I had a mare named Chocolate Moose for 6 years that I rode hunter/jumper with. She was literally a dream come true. Then I bought a little QH mare and named her Button and sold her 8 months later for a little profit. With that money I bought Lester.
I got on him yesterday. He was a good boy, we even trotted a little. I did a posting trot for the first time in 6 months.
Congratulations on owning a wonderful horse for 13 years. Doing the trot on him was a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary.
Happy Anniversary to both of you! May you have many more together!
Happy Anniversary!
That's great that you've had him for so long - and really great that you were able to ride a bit!
Hey glad to hear that you were on him yet again! Sounds like it was fairly incident free? Hope so.
Even if you never get real serious with riding him again it warms my heart to hear that you can still hop on him and and fully enjoy all the benefits that come with horse ownership.
Happy Horsiversary!! :)
I agree with Steph, even if "all" you do is just hack around a little occassionally that is still something to enjoy and be thankful for.
I only ride Cessa once in awhile now. She deserves her "retirement" but I think if I ride her it will help her age gracefully. I plan to pony her to help keep her in shape, just need to practice and make sure little mr applejack can behave responsibly for that job.
Awwww...happy horse-a-versary!!! I am glad that you rebelled and went for a little ride, and I am sure that Lester was too!! :)
happy anniversary. what is 13? has to be more than the oat anniversary and they don't care too much about rubies, right? what would 13 be?
anyway, i'm happy for you, even though you said something like 13 being more than half your life. i just realised it's not even a third of mine. i'd smack you if it weren't for distance and your anniversary. ha!
Less is adorable in that first photo D!
Happy Horse-a-versary! Glad you rode too! why was posting notable?Do you mostly sit?
Thanks everyone! It's bittersweet kinda, some days I feel like we've come so far and achieved so little though....
allhorsestuff- the posting was notable because the trotting was notable, I gave Lester 6 months off of no riding due to his neuro issues, and in that time I didn't have the heart to ride anyone else. I got on him and walked and decided to trot a bit too:-)
Wow! 13 years is a long time. Will you keep him until the very end?
What a good horse Mama you are to care for him for so long. He must be your dream horse.
Good 'ol Less.
I'm glad you had a great day with him, too.
I'm going to go back and read his story in a minute.
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