On a whim one day about 7 years ago I wrote on a Ohio Horsey forum (Lester was born and raised in OH)asking about the farm where Non-Wet resided and if anyone new the Harpers who had bred my Lester. Well I got an email from a girl named Christi saying she knew the Harpers and had pictures of Non-Wet, AKA Sean. She also told me she had a QH mare that was bred to him at the time and was waiting it's arrival. It turned out to be a filly and she named her

The Internet is great isn't it? We can track down so much information these days. Three years ago I was able to track down Lester's one and only Win Photo from his racing days. The photographer still had a copy of it even though it was 11 years old. So for $18 I was able to get a real piece of history on Lester! :-) 

What a great history. That's so cool that you can track back on Lester's sire and get so much information on them. I still love that racing pic the best!
How wonderful! And Sean is quite cute! We can all clearly see where Lester gets his good looks from!
Neat! Non Wet looks kind of quarter horsey, doesn't he? Who is the horse in the middle picture? Is that White House Lady? I still get a kick out of the photo finish. Why no one has made a business out of selling photo finishes of greyhounds and thoroughbreds, I'll never know. I would pay some bucks for photo finishes of my greyhounds.
That is so neat! And I have to agree, Les's daddy does look more QH than TB.
How did you manage to track down his win photo? I know Cessa has a couple and it would be neat to see if I could track them.
I agree Less' daddy looks QHsy and at times I think Lester looks like a QH...
Jen, the middle bay horse with the girl is White House Lady, one of Lester's half sister's.
Cdn-Tracking down an old Win photo boils down to the track photographer. Do you have Cessa's race record? What is her registered name? You can go to the following forum and ask about her under her registered name and someone will be happy to get the info-they have always been very helpful. http://www.pedigreequery.com/forum
I think that's great that you were able to track down a little history on your guy. Wish I had some papers on some of my herd, I'd love to know where some of them came from and who their daddy's and mommy's were. Great pictures, and the racing ones are awesome.
That is soooo neat that you found a win picture of him.
Oh BTW his papa is quite handsome.
D, WOW! I loved seeing the Win picture! He is so awesome looking and I agree, he does have his fathers eyes!
I love this header best...it is a fantastic painting.
D - I'll have to try that. All I managed to find out was that the Jockey Club doesn't seem very helpful. In fact it seems likely that Canadian TBs are registered with them unless they are racing in the states.
WOWEEE!! THAT is SO cool!
It must be so awesome finding out those things about Lesster and his past.
It would be interesting to meet the breeders, though and ask why such odd registered names. lol!
My mare has only foaled once and I saw a photo of him online, but I think it would be great to meet him in person, as welll as meet Baby Doll's previous owners.
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