Ever since May 12, 2007, Lester has had two

birthdays a year. April 28
th is his "official" one and May 12 is his
ReBirthday... It's been over 2 years now since Lester had his
colic surgery, the whole reason this blog was started. It seems like forever ago now...but I can still remember how surreal that whole day felt and it's safe to say that Lester and I both are big Auburn fans now. Lester was a very lucky boy and a huge part of it was Laura finding him so early. She found him at the same gate, same area where I found Chase, it's like they know
that is where to go and can be seen, the other gate, the one we use daily is harder to see. I feel so lucky to have a second chance with Less. I won't go into all the detail of that day or month or year really, I've linked

this post to where it all started if you're interested.
We're just really fortunate the goofy guy is still around.
Lester, I love you big guy!
Thank you everyone for your nice comments about Chase. He is missed, but we are all doing well at the farm.
It's so wonderful that Less was able to be helped with his colic surgery and is still with you. I personally know what you went through and how horrifying and scary it is to have a horse in colic surgery. Again, so glad he made it.
Yay! Happy Birth...and ReBirthday Less! You are one handsome and well loved boy. :)
Lester looks like he is just full of wonderful personality - you are indeed fortunate to have him with you after such a scary experience. I have a mare who's had two impaction colic events, but she's managed to clear it on her own both times - once with a several day trip to the vet clinic - but fortunately without surgery.
Yeah Less! That must have been the scariest time with him - I'm glad the surgery was successful for both of you!
That is a great day to celebrate!
You are so lucky to still have him!
You are so clever, and I am so glad that Lester's colic was caught in time and his surgery was a success. :)
Handsome and hilarious with the rope in his mouth there!
I just love that face!
Glad things are good D
I'm so glad you have this anniversary to celebrate with Lester. Give him a treat for me.
Happy Birth & Re-Birthdays to Less!Glad he's still doing well!
Happy re-birthday Lester!!
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