I have an "online" friend that lives in NY that spotted these Ariat Hunter Zip Dress boots in a Vintage consignment shop and posted on her facebook page that she'd buy and ship them to whomever wanted them (paying her back of course)...lucky me was online at the time and they were my size :-o it's scary not trying on boots first before you buy them, but these boots are normally $380 and she found them for sale for $90 and they are BARELY even used! I couldn't pass it up.
The feet fit perfect, but I can only zip them when wearing my thinnest pair of breeches - I was hoping to pose in my $.01 Taylor Sportsman breeches I scored the year before, but they are too thick. The calves are gonna have to stretch out more before I can wear them with these boots.
I was so excited the day they came in the mail that I wore them back to work, it is the style after all right? Maybe this week I will actually get to try them out while riding.
Wow that is a heck of a deal!!
But still not better than your $0.01 breeches lol
Good score on the boots! I still can't believe the $0.01 breeches!
Well, they sure look great on you!What a deal, I'd wear them til they stretched out.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
wow...I am jelous ;o) these are perfect...do they by any chance still have them availalbe on sale?...probably not, sound like a dream of a deal..
enjoy & merry xmas!
Nice boots!
Merry Christmas!
Oh MY! You got a killer deal on those boots! I have wanted a pair for a LONG TIME.
Hey I hope you and horse and pups have a great New Years Eve - stay safe!
Congrats! They look nice on you. Why is that most tall riding boots are made with skinny person's calves in mind?
I know a lot of skinny folks ride horses, but I really think there is a market for those of us with some meat on our lovely shapely calves. :)
Jane Augenstein, with her Gilly horse, just posted about how dissapointed she was that she had to return a nice pair of Mountain Horse tall riding boots for that same reason.
All I can wear are paddock boots until designs change.
Great Deal, Nisey. I'm so glad they fit. You had better luck with this than you did with the football pool. (couldn't resist)L, M
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