I'm still riding the 2 dressage Arabians regularly so I don't feel like I've lost much. I also might start working some of the green Arabians too so right now I don't have a shortage of rides. I also feel less guilty about riding other horses when Lester isn't there to see me:-) he's like a jealous boyfriend and gets so mad and whiny. But damn, he is cute.

This is Billy, he's 3rd level and looks like a little warmblood. Gosh does he make me work for it, I've never ridden a horse before that required so much leg and for one to have NO reaction to my legs! Even my new magic boots can't save me! His owner gave me a lounge lesson on him last Saturday to work on my sitting trot and I thought I was going to die, I am so freaking weak. I haven't been able to ask for any of the fun stuff like shoulder in or half pass because I still can barely get him to move. It takes all my energy to just keep him forward. It's embarrassing actually!
The little gray one is JB aka Jumper Bunny. Apparently he liked to jumped out of his pasture as a weanling and stir up all kinds of trouble. He's a sweety though. He's 2nd level and I can get him to move a bit better, but it still takes everything I got. Both Billy and JB are very level headed and really nice to ride. I think I have been spoiled by forward thoroughbreds for too long and I'm really paying the price now. Lester never would just die out on me if I took my leg off him and didn't take much gas either:-)
Poor JB had a bout with colic last week let's hope he's completely over it. The weather has been crazy lately so that was no help. One day it's in the 70's and the next it's snowing, but that's Georgia for you.
At least you're still riding right? And you know how they say the more horses you ride the better rider you'll be.
Voodoo is kinda like the chestnut. During lessons I have to really work to get him to move. Soon as the lesson is over he walks right out nice and strong on a loooooose rein. Little faker! lol
New faces :) And cute ones, at that! Glad to hear you're getting lots of riding time in. I'm hoping maybe this weekend it will be warm enough to dry up the footing...
I am kinda relieved...it was no lie D, just a seeking adventure with some bumps..there are always those. What fun to ride so many..your'll find the match!
Well, you sure have been busy. Lucky you to get lots of opportunities to ride, even if CJ ended up not working out for you.
Nice to see some of the cute faces of new horses, too.
Apache needs a lot of encouragement to move forward, too. I've yet to even get her into a canter. I know! But my legs are still so weak after my surgery, especially my left, I just don't have the ability to use a lot of extended leg cues...and posting? Next to impossible.
So I suppose that I should be grateful that Apache has more whoa than go.
Sounds like as time moves along you'll build up strength with your legs, especially with all the riding you're doing.
Most of all, just have fun :)
Georgia is not alone with this crazy weather either.
We keep having these short breaks of 60 degree temps, followed by heavy snow and temps into the teens. It's been snowing at least once a week since November. I've had enough of this winter that never wants to end. bleh!
Well I am still just so happy you are riding again - I hope you find what you are looking for...
Any dog updates?
o yes, thinking about it, i could have get a Hair Loss
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