When he canters going right he throws in little bucks, but doesn't seem to do it going to the left. I hope it's just because he's weaker on his right hind and the bucks will go away once he gets stronger.
I've been locking the dogs out of the riding area lately, but I have to say that the they did a pretty good job at staying out of my way and Peanut not trailing too close, but I think she was thrown off and confused because my sister, Jen, was the one filming and she probably thought she was me:-) Speaking of my sis I let her hop on CJ. She used to ride and have horses also, but then got very competitive in the dog agility, obedience and training world (all with greyhounds I might add).
Looks like he'll be a fun project for you! :)
He has the floatiest trot. And it almost looks likes he's on his tip toes. So pretty! Looks like he could actually be one of those 'dancing' horses that you see in KUR. He's a handsome horse and you (and your nice boots) look great on him, too.
I thought you both looked very nice and had a good ride. I think you two will make a nice pair.
God i miss being able to ride outside . . .
Yikes, I looked that bad at a walk!
BTW - I am still jealous of your boots.
But that being said - I am soo glad you are riding again on a regular schedule!! I am happy that you have a new project.
Keep us posted!
wow, very floaty trot...I like him
Um, I think I heard you had a blog. Nice. Great seeing you last week-end.
Denise, I tagged you for an award. Feel free to stop on by and pick it up!
aster for me!Hi there D! It took me so long to get here sorry!
What a cutie that CJ is...very sensitive huh! I may be really wrong..but he did look off in the right hind(I think) to me.
Liked how he snorted and reached finally, towards the ends of both clips...
FUN!!! Your riding again! Love the boots!
Kiss lester for me!
Most beautimous!!! I wondered if that was Jen videoing and clicker training at the same time! Sisters...would love to hang out with mine.
Peanut was hilarious...she looked like, um....hey, I'm here....um...should I be? um...I can run fast...um.....
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