It's weird how little pieces of the Lester "puzzle" have seemed to come together.
We've changed farriers yet again. But this time we are going with the flow and are going to use the barn's regular farrier. This will make life easier on everyone, but I will miss shoeing time with Ronnie a lot though, he is such a character and was our farrier for over 15 years (he used to shoe my mare too). He taught me so many new words like "faheater" and "shawr" :-) He never let me down and was always reachable. I'm going to really miss seeing him every month:-( I think Lester will too.
So having a new farrier shoe Lester this last time was telling. He was no better and no worse than if Ronnie had done him. The "issues" have never been his feet and the way he had to be shod, I think it's been in his back this whole time.
Less has always had this little white "bird dropping" looking spot on his back. You can see it in the pic below. You know how places of injury can grow back with white hair... it just kinda makes me wonder now.

i had you on my mind these last couple of days - wondering how you are doing. bad work weeks suck. i know how that goes. even worse when the one thing you want to do you can't. hugs. take time to take care of you.
**HUGS** I know there's not really anything to say that will make you feel better. :(
Just remember you still have HIM to at least spend time with if nothing else.
Another **hug* here - I agree with Cdn - nothing we can say will really help - except that we are sorry this happened to you and Less...
Its ok to complain and grieve about the change. Its a loss like any other. Smile and at least be glad the Texas Bovine isn't at your house. Hope next week is better.
ok, curious... "texas bovine"? Is the answer share-able? lol
I agree with Jen, it is a kind of loss, grieving is understandable.
I rode Cessa today and in some ways it was good and still not so good in others. She wants to go and perform, her heart and mind are there, but her body isn't up to doing what she wants to do. :(
The Texas Bovine is the giant, dairy-cow-colored greyhound that I got suckered into fostering. One of his big white spots on his back looks like a Texas Longhorn.... so I call him the Texas Bovine. He is a pain in the haunches, so Denise should be glad he's not at her house.
Jen - I must be a little mean spirited... I thought maybe it was some chick who's not so nice (ummm, a cow) lmao
Gosh he looks sooo pretty and happy in that last picture - I pass along a **HUG** for ya too.
Thanks everyone for the hugs and support...it does help being able to blog/ vent and know you all understand... I'm at the beach right now with Matt, Panama City Beach... Poor Laura P.is taking care of Limo and the Nut for us!
i'm sorry.
Perhaps one day you will get your answers....
Here's to being at the beach!! Have a great time, chill and when you get back keep on blogging :)
(we'd miss you if you stopped)
Well all I can say is i'm glad you are coming home tomorrow! :-) What time will you be picking up P'nut??
Limo has been a doll, believe it or not she has been a perfect little angel.
It's a good thing you adopted P'nutt she would have been returned a million times!! I guess she likes me though, she bites my feet!!
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