Well I think the injection of HA to his fetlock joint has worn off :-( Joint injections just don't seem to last long enough. I had his right stifle joint injected about 3 years ago and it only lasted 2 months. The one in the fetlock doesn't seem to have lasted even that long.
The first change I noticed after his fetlock injection was he was so WILLING to turn right and was so soft and supple in whatever I asked of him.
Slowly and surely he got more resistant to turn right:-( He just doesn't want to and sometimes it takes all my strength in my right arm to turn him. The difference I feel is like day and night, and we're back on the dark side again:-( He's so trippy again in the hind end. He stays braced in his neck for the most part and his "nervous- on edge" behaviour is back.
The vet said it's too soon to inject his fetlock again, but he said we could do his right knee. I also think about getting him back on Adequan or Legend shots. I also think about not riding him anymore. Guess it depends on the day.
That sucks :(
Does Lester get any kind of joint supplement? I know some vets say that the feed through supplements are not worth anything and don't work but some say to try them.
Cessa gets Joint Combo by Farnam. (its for joint, hoof and coat) I took her off it for a few months in the fall and winter and noticed a change, for the worse. I put her back on it and in a little while she was back to "normal".
I'm sorry too - I have a friend who deals with the same thing - beautiful mare, super talents but has all kinds of joint problems. Her advantage is that some day soon she can retire her to a brood mare where she won't have to work anymore and hurt...
I have seen some supplements do wonders and some not work at all - seems to depend on the nature of the injury and the horse. I keep mine on one even though he doesn't need it - I think its good for all working horses.
Poor Lester! I know the relief Jessie had once he had his stifle/knee injections last November. It was like night and day. I hope you can figure out a program that works for him and keeps him comfortable longer. If you decide to look at supplements I've heard good things about SmartFlex (from SmartPak).
i know that you love riding him and i am a total believer in Parelli, but it might be something to look into to working with him on. it's a lot of play and connecting with him so you can still work him without riding him. you can still have that connection without being on him.
Thanks guys. It does suck. I feel like I ask for so little and yet I can't get that.
Some days I really am ready to pull his shoes and be done; no more riding. The up and down roller coaster is what sucks, one min he's great and the next we are right back where we were. The last time he felt good was when all those riding pics were taken:-( It's been downhill since then.
I'm researching supps, among other things...
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