They both say...now I have 2 brindles to follow me and watch me go.... (yeah I brought the camera in the bathroom with me yesterday, I thought it would be a good photo opp-see I was right)
We've dog sat alot before so we're used to it and plus our home was the first one Abby ever lived in so it's cool. She's pretty settled. But Limo's little world has been rocked! She doesn't get why there are now 2 brindles in her house...she's been doing alot of "time out" and crating.... I think she can only handle one brindle at a time;-)
Limo and PeaNutSo get along really well though. They play and play and run.

I haven't taken LimLim to the vet to access her "bum problem" yet... because the smell comes and goes, so when it goes I forget to make an appointment to take her. I also think the prob may have been from the recent kong ingredients- peanut butter and more mushy stuff. So I've been putting more of her Evo dogfood in it now instead of mushy stuff. I also had an idea, course I haven't asked yet cuz I keep forgetting to, but I was maybe gonna see if Lester vet, Dr. Matt could perhaps preform the procedure- but I still have to ask and see...
Give her a turkey neck... that might clean everything out!
Awww...my dogs to that too. Run and play run and play. Then when night time comes they all cuddle together and sleep.
Dogs are so neat - have a great Thanksgiving!
WHAT is the fascination our house pets have with the bathroom??
Lola loves to sleep in there. And all four just HAVE to follow us to the bathroom.
It can get a little ridiculous! lol
ps - love the new header! Especially funny for Les to be longing for the cookies now that they are forbidden.
Okay since you asked i am posting the answer here to so you don't have to go back and look for it...
When I hallucinated at the dentist's office:
It was really weird - was like I sank into this dark place and I could see the dentist and his assistants faces disembodied floating above me kinda moving around. I was unaware of any of my other surroundings and situation.
It was really weird and I felt uneasy for some reason so I fought through it until I gained back some awareness at least of my surroundings.
I post a lot of my boxer girls playing and running like yours. It might be a while before I have any new ones though since it is a bit chilly in Kentucky these days!
Those dogs are so much likes kids that have to be with you at all times... so pretty, those Brindles.
Poor Limo.
Did you do all your header Art Work? It is very nice!
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