The horse is more festive than the house as you can see. We've been bad this year, we don't even have a Christmas tree:-x But we spend the Holidays at the parents' houses so I don't really see a need for a tree. Last week it was in the high 60's and even hit 70 degrees:-o But today it went down into the 40's and is steadily going down into the teens. I hope it's not too much of a shock to the ponies. We turned their night feed into warm mashes and added some electrolytes. And of course blanketed them. After dinner I gave Lester a bucket of warm water which he quickly drank so he should be well hydrated. He's always loved warm water on cold nights.

When Lester lived in my parent's backyard he always made me a little mad when I would carry 2 steaming buckets of hot water out to him to leave with him for the night and he would drink them so far down I had to go back to the house and get more and it was no easy task. I had to But of course I was happy to see him drink.
I hopped on him again yesterday and we walked around the dog pasture with Laura and Polo. My legs are sore again and it feels good.
I know you
Canucks are laughing at my title saying I have no idea what "frightful" weather is:-) but I am jealous of your white Christmas!
Love the hat - and the Christmas banner! Sunny wore his reindeer antlers for me today. We haven't done a tree this year, either - but I just wasn't up to rearranging the whole living room. Maybe next year... Enjoy your warmth!
Yep - sheep ate his forelock. The horses and the sheep share a waterer. For whatever reason, some of the sheep find horse mane incredibly tasty. One of the mares actually let them eat most of her TAIL one spring! She looked naked, and I'm sure she was sorry come fly season.
lol! The 'ho, ho, ho' photo of Lester makes me smile HUGE! I've been meaning to put a Santa Hat on Baby Doll, too. I'll have to get to the before Christmas. Wow! Only 3 more days!
It's down to the low 20's at night here, but my mare's got sporting a very thick yak-like coat, so I'm not worrying much about her being cold. She seems quite happy with the colder weather, silly girl.
We may even get more snow in the next two days. I'll be thinking of you :)
Happy Holidays!
New Mexico
The hat is really cute, I'd do it to mine but I don't have 7 hats to go around and they'd probably be insulted anyway. He does look festive and adorable though.
We've got plenty of White Christmas around here and even though it looks pretty it's a pain to drive in. Have a nice holiday with the parents.
I know! I say if its going to be this cold, we ought to at least have some snow.
That's cute that Lester likes his warm water :-). At least you know he appreciates the effort. I'm sure lots of horses would wait until its cold hours later before drinking it.
that's adorable he like his horsey tea :)how sweet.
D I love Less in the Santa hat!He has it so good with you...they all do with us huh...our horsey loves!
I used that songs words for one of my posts too!
My salon mirror is more festive than my house too! We don't have a tree and sometimes we get one on Christmas eve! Thia year is kinda strange on traditions with B-man working a new job at nights.
I am hangin slack and not worrying.
The WINTERY "artic blast" they are deeming it...is frightful enough for me to say...nough!!!
You, by the by, have a wonderful smile an sparling eyes!
MERRY~ MERRY Christmas to you girl!
I am so glad you are riding again - even if its in a limited fashion. It just didn't seem right to me for you and Lester's story to be over, when you quit riding him. Somehow I it just didn't feel right. I LOVE that sore feeling!
Merry Christmas to you too!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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