I'll be the first to admit I thought Peanut was a bit homely and ugly when I first saw her. She was fat, dingy and was really after Limo at first. I really thought to myself, "She's going to be hard to adopt". And then we figured out that she was 5 and not 3 which really made me think that...- there was a mix up at the kennel with her and another brindle female, Wiki Onetime.
One look at "Wiki" and we knew she wasn't 3. So my sister Jen did some ear tattoo investigations (all greyhounds have tattoos in each ear) and paper digging and figured out who she was. It was kinda sad too because the person who thought she had "Peanut" had chosen her because of her breeding. Her greyhound that she had just lost had the same grandfather as Peanut. I know that's not saying much, cuz like in the horse racing world the good studs are the ones that sire so many! But it does sometimes feel like fate or a special connection when they are related in some way.

I encourage both you KK and oregonsunshine to adopt a greyhound! It's very rewarding just like taking in an OTTB and it's fun to have a dog with a past. I meant to have this link, Go Peanut Go, attached in the last post. She ran 108 races, won 38 and came in 2nd in 14. She was the best runner of her litter.
She is pretty...
darn cute...
Peanut is totally adorable!
She's homelier than the back end of a tractor...
Seriously, though, she fits with you so very well.
And to those that are talking the talk about adopting a Greyhound...Walk the Walk.... you won't regret it!!
She is pretty darn cute alright.
Are there more pic in your "Memory video"? maybe I just hung around to veiw them all this time?!
I am going to have my man come look at your blog and dogs...we are talking more about it now.
My current barn does allow dogs..sometimes it bugs me though..dog crap all over the place!And the BO dogs are heard dogs that chase horses..Pantz almost got one a time or two..I hate cheering for the horse but it was mine!
I have questions D...may I ask them here?
((ha))) Heard dogs...don't you hear them now??
Peanut is beautiful - or at least I think so!
Very leggy and graceful.
Check out www.greyhoundadoption.org. Its our Atlanta, GA adoption group, but it has some good information and our manual is much better than a lot of our groups.
Thanks all! Stephen she has fit in well to our mix that is for sure. I never thought I'd have another gh that would stick to me at the farm like Spooky did...but I think they become what ever you need them to become- that and she has a very "needy" personailty, LOL.
KK ask away all your questions! There are many greyhound folks here that will chime in, my sis- never say never greyhounds is a def expert on them too...
The memory video is ALL Spooky, she was my heart dog.
Peanut is a real cutie, I've always liked the brindle colored dogs.
A couple I dog sat for in college had a greyhound and a pair of whippets. Great dogs, all of them.
Made me consider adopting one but I heard that they aren't necessarily good with small animals such as cats? Is this true? Or a myth about the breed? I know there are exceptions to everything but I was just curious as I have a cat and 2 chinchillas in addition to a sheltie.
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