It was such a fluke shoe pull too. Less was wearing bell boots and didn't step on his heal or anything, just the shoe that wasn't even sticking out far! Bad horse! but he's so sweet and cute so I forgive him :-)
I pulled Lester's mane last night while I waited on Ronnie. Poor guy doesn't much like it. He arches his neck weird and his eyes bug out and he puts his head on my shoulder and looks at me like "Why?!!! Whatta I do??" But beauty is everything and it is a necessary evil! I try to make it as pleasant as I can with scratches in between, carrots and peppermints and doing very little strands at a time- YANK! :-) Last night I didn't do much yanking though, I have a blade comb and clippers and I was able to hack off a bunch of it.
Less was selected once again as a horse model:-) This time he got to have a photo shoot with both vets. Sigh, I knew I should have pulled his mane this past weekend :-x
I "touched up" his mane in Corel paint, but it was too late, the pic had already been sent to the magazine... 

1 comment:
No worries. He has the natural look. That's what Clyde has. I like it that way. This way he looks all wild and eager out in the pasture.
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