Make sure your sound is on:-)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
They named her Poly and my mom thought she finally had her a lap dog. But as previous pics showed, Poly liked to sit at my dad's feet on his reclining chair. She also grew a bit more
than expected and wasn't quite a lap dog after all. My mom taught her all sorts of tricks though, you name it and she can probably do it! She's a very smart dog.
So any guess before I reveal her identity?
She came out as Level 2 with both Bulldog and Beagle and level 3 or 4 (I forget which) Husky.
Not sure about those results. Beagle I can kind of see, but the others not at all. I'm surprised she didn't come out part cat or fox because she looks like a fox and little tiny cat feet:-)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Matt must really...
after I opened the laptop my family was like "well, damn, everything else under the tree is crap",
lol. It wasn't though, we all had a fantastic Christmas. We spent Christmas eve over at my parents' house with the dogs and I'm happy to report that Peanut did very well. Last time we stayed she cried all night and wouldn't settle, much like the first few days we had her. She slept in the middle of all the festivities just like any other good greyhound would.
Limo got me back shortly after this pic was taken...I left the hat on the table while we went to Matt's parents' house and she ate it. Luckly the Santa hat was safely put away so it's still intact.
The little brown dog is Poly, my parents' mixed breed...I got them the DNA test for Christmas (results are in), anyone want to take a gander at what she is? They listed 3 breeds and you'll never believe what they are. I'll save the results for another post!

This is my mom and her dog, Bailey, I got the DNA kit for her too as she's mixed also, but she's a fraidy cat and we decided that my mom doing the swab in her mouth would be the least detrimental to her progress trusting and liking humans:-) I'll have to post her story when her her DNA results's a cool one I think.
Here is Poly in her favorite spot with my dad.
This is my mom and her dog, Bailey, I got the DNA kit for her too as she's mixed also, but she's a fraidy cat and we decided that my mom doing the swab in her mouth would be the least detrimental to her progress trusting and liking humans:-) I'll have to post her story when her her DNA results's a cool one I think.
Here is Poly in her favorite spot with my dad.
These were the only couple of "human" pics I took, lol, of course they had to contain their dogs in them. My mom had her camera too so she got some human shots;-) I don't say it enough, but I have the best family ever, including Matt of course even though we aren't married yet :-)
...Limo is spreading Christmas Joy to my BIL, Stephen.
I hope you all had as Wonderful a Christmas as I did!
I'm off to clean stalls now in 60 degree weather, OK, I know, that was mean!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A Grey in a manger...
Well, in a stall I mean. Both girls took shelter from the wind Sunday morning while we cleaned stalls.
It's gotten cold again, the high today is only 36! That is COLD for us. I bought the girls hats for Christmas just haven't put them on and taken pics yet, guess I better do it! The wind kept blowing Lester's off yesterday so I was lucky to get a good shot of him in it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
O' the weather outside is frightful...
I hopped on him again yesterday and we walked around the dog pasture with Laura and Polo. My legs are sore again and it feels good.
I know you Canucks are laughing at my title saying I have no idea what "frightful" weather is:-) but I am jealous of your white Christmas!
Christmas came early this year...

Per Dr. Jason's suggestion we like to mix the bermuda hay with timothy when we can because it's courser and less likey to compact like the bermuda can. Having a choice of the bermuda and the timothy we usually found the timothy scattered around the stall the next day so this way it's all mixed and each bit should have a little of both.
The other night Andy, one of the barn owners' horses coliced (he's perfectly fine now) and so the vet and all of us were standing in front of Andy's stall talking which is next door to Lester's. I had just given out the night time hay of both bermuda and timothy and (this was before we had the hay bag)I had to laugh at Lester because each time he popped his head out to check on things he had a mouth full of the timothy, almost like he was trying to impress Dr. Jason that he was being a good boy and eating the courser hay. Once we left the stall area Lester resumed to eating the bermuda again, lol.
Monday, December 15, 2008
So, I did it

It was in the 50's and chilly so I warmed his bit by holding it under hot water, it needed to be cleaned anyways. I've never had a problem with bridling Less, as soon as I held the bridle in the right place he opened his mouth and took the bit, one of the many things I love about him.

He almost got to "goose" Limo on the way back to being turned out:-)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Take the rough housing outside girls...
Finally playtime not in my living room! Spooky and Limo used to play like this too and I can't believe that I never got any video of them playing outside. I'll have to find video of them later, but I did find a video of the barn owners' puppy terrorizing Limo last October.
Thursday, December 4, 2008

But I'll admit, I do like her alot. She's become a pretty good dog and she has lot's of personality. She always has such a "happy with life" look on her face. When you pet her and scratch her neck she closes her eyes in complete and utter contentment. She is a great companion for Limo. There are times we have to step in and referee their playtime cuz they're pulling on ears and throats, but for the most part I don't worry.

She's turned into a pretty good farm dog too. To my amazement she does not chase the horses and has never tried- squirrels, deer and the heron and geese are a different story though. They are all fair game.

She's got a decent "recall" on her now, she's surprised me a couple of times when I've yelled her name and she's actually
listened (I know you are just cringing Jen). Since the barn owners have 10+ greyhounds it can get a bit noisy and exciting and Peanut dashes over to check it out- as long as I catch her before she starts fence running with someone she stops in her tracks and comes flying back to me...

She also keeps tabs on me and if I go missing she runs around till she finds me.

She's weird though. I'd swear she had a herding breed in her if she wasn't a registered greyhound. When she gets excited she likes to bite at your feet. I still think she is a lab in a greyhound's body though because she LOVES the water and will lay down anywhere- cement driveway, hardwood floor, we laugh at her because her favorite place to lay down is the hard tile in front of the fireplace. When we're on the road I constantly hear "thuds" coming from the back of the car and the occasional squeal- she's spotted "something" and is trying to get at it, hitting her head on the window. Just yesterday after I got in the car after work and started to drive off, Peanut leaped from the back of my car and landed on my arm in the front seat- hitting the dashboard and all the junk I had piled in the seat and console. What was she after you ask? It appeared she was going for a dead cable spool that was laying on it's side:-x Gotta love, er "Like" her.
Credit must be given to my sis, Jen for the fabulous above photo
Monday, December 1, 2008
No Sugar for you!
I swear I feel like the soup natzi from that Seinfield Episode when it comes to Lester and his sugar:-(... Alot of you have asked about results I've seen taking Lester off sugar and sugar processed treats...

Lester begging for a peppermint:

any questions?
Seriously, I haven't seen any noticeable improvements- trust me I would have blogged about them by now! ;-) Per the suggestion of the Equine massage therapist/ chiro I took Less off all (except for the occasional Holiday treat) sugar treats and put him on Supple Horse, an herbal supplement. She also suggested MSM which I have yet to get, I know- I'm terrible and lazy. I just don't think it's gonna make a difference for him. I'm seriously thinking of giving him sugar again, he loves it so much. I haven't made up my mind yet though.
*Quick recap on Lester- I've had him for 12+ years, he's been "not quite right" since I've had him- hitchy in the hind end in the early years and becoming short strided on his right front and tripping/ losing his hindend for the last 5 years. After injections in his stifle twice, right knee and right fetlock (at different times) to no real improvement it's thought that Lester has an old spinal cord injury that cause some neurological problems for him. He's not hugely uncoordinated that makes him dangerous, it just became clear that he was no longer comfortable in his work.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Baby Steps

So yesterday I put his saddle on- first I checked his pad for no spiders since it hadn't been touched since July. I used a girth fuzzy because I didn't know how "girthy" he would act. I have to say I was pleased with his reaction or lack there of. He didn't mind it at all and even when I walked him off he didn't do his one step pause, another step pause- it reminds me of the wedding march. I want to just put his saddle on a few times and walk and trot him out before I even think about hopping on him. I wonder if he will lose his hindend with just the saddle on? Though he still strides out short on his right front when he's at play in the arena, I never see him lose his hindend like he does/ did undersaddle. As always we will take it very slow.

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
"Go Potty"...

We've dog sat alot before so we're used to it and plus our home was the first one Abby ever lived in so it's cool. She's pretty settled. But Limo's little world has been rocked! She doesn't get why there are now 2 brindles in her house...she's been doing alot of "time out" and crating.... I think she can only handle one brindle at a time;-)
Check out the Limo-Peanut-Abby Cam - username: limo, PW: garbage --VERY boring stuff;-)
Limo and PeaNutSo get along really well though. They play and play and run.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
3's a Crowd...

How did it become Thanksgiving?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Welcome Home John!

Like I mentioned before Lester and I played a part in John and Laura's wedding 5 years ago...and what home coming is complete without a picture with me in it? John has ALWAYs teased me about having too many pics of myself ever since he visited my apartment one time and saw a whole table full of framed pics of me and my animals, mostly Lester and I at horse shows Thank you very much! Anyways, ever since that and me sleeping in the back of his suburban after a greyhound field trip (everyone else was smashed in the vehicle) all stretched out he's called me the "Princess". He says I'm high maintenance and the worst kind, that I don't think I am.... well John is pretty HM himself:-)
But I'm very HAPPY to report that John is home! He came home this afternoon and I got to chat with him some. He was laying down on the sofa with his cat in his lap... He said he stumped his surgeon with the question of "what breed of cow did my heart valve come from", that's John for you!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What's that smell?

Limo's got that funky dog butt smell thing... Last week I was eating my dinner on the couch and caught a wiff and first thought it was my food that it was rotten...then I thought it was me-I had been to the barn, then I thought it was Matt's feet....I then realized it was Limo:-x It's been constant butt licking around here....Gag, she just smells...I guess I'm going to have to make an appt with the vet to have her butt glands expressed... she's going to love that- NOT...
So I have no idea what any of you have been up to because I haven't had anytime to check blogs, read email or do anything, but work. We decided this week would be a good one to disconnect over 800 nonpaying customers, while we're a man short in dispatch. I don't mind the busy work, but I'm VERY behind on my other work. I've also been working till 8pm.
John is doing better and better! He's in a private room (I think I read that today/ I haven't talked to Laura yet), they have made him get up and sit in a chair a few times a day, Laura was able to bring him some outside food- a smoothie, and some soup!
The ponies are tucked in tight with their blankies tonight, it's going to be in the low 20's by morning! :-o
So I have no idea what any of you have been up to because I haven't had anytime to check blogs, read email or do anything, but work. We decided this week would be a good one to disconnect over 800 nonpaying customers, while we're a man short in dispatch. I don't mind the busy work, but I'm VERY behind on my other work. I've also been working till 8pm.
John is doing better and better! He's in a private room (I think I read that today/ I haven't talked to Laura yet), they have made him get up and sit in a chair a few times a day, Laura was able to bring him some outside food- a smoothie, and some soup!
The ponies are tucked in tight with their blankies tonight, it's going to be in the low 20's by morning! :-o
Friday, November 14, 2008
Huge Update!
Laura JUST called and said that John is off the ventilator, breathing on his own and asking all sorts of questions- what were the complications, what's this and that - that's John for ya! :-) She said he's a bit hard to understand what he's saying, but obviously they are able to make it out.
Laura sounded like she was on cloud nine when she called :-) Yeah I'm so happy for her, for all of us!
Laura sounded like she was on cloud nine when she called :-) Yeah I'm so happy for her, for all of us!
Still Jingling!
This is a pic of John and Lester the day we picked him up from Auburn Unv. after his colic surgery. If you've ever read below the posts and read why the blog was started you'd know what a huge help both John and Laura were during mine and Lester's time of need. They have always been a second family to me, my horse and dogs.
Though their surgeries were far different from one another, both are Miracles.

John is still stable and in the ICU. Over the last day and a half John has been under lighter sedation with positive results. He's responding to the people around him, turning his head in the direction he hears someone talking and opening his eyes.
The next step is taking him off the ventilator, but the doctors won't rush it and won't give a day/ time.
keep jingling! Thank you all!
Though their surgeries were far different from one another, both are Miracles.

John is still stable and in the ICU. Over the last day and a half John has been under lighter sedation with positive results. He's responding to the people around him, turning his head in the direction he hears someone talking and opening his eyes.
The next step is taking him off the ventilator, but the doctors won't rush it and won't give a day/ time.
keep jingling! Thank you all!
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