Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Grumble, grumble, grumble...

Where did that giant (Jetta) come from? I thought I was the only dog... (insert cussing)...

I'll admit though I miss the big black dog even though I would snarl at her too... she would just ignore my snarls, is that just a greyhound thing? Why doesn't anyone take me seriously? She did let me share the bench seat with her in the car though...

so I guess that was niiiice of her.

At least she would play with me... and I like'd it rough...
Tug-o-war was one of our favorite games, she usually won though :-<
We all miss you Spooky.


Heather said...

Poor Limo. He just wants to be a big dog too. Between horses and greyhounds he is just trying to compensate. Small dog's disease :) I love the pictures of Spooky and Limo playing together.

Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

I think she thinks she is a greyhound, if only her legs were a lil longer...she snarls at the horses just like she does the dogs...