Lester has made a few
Coweta editorial appearances over the years and this is his most recent. Since he was the only clean horse at the barn on the day of the shoot he got to be in the shot for the vet's ad. Could he look anymore like a short, stocky cow horse with a big head

arab nostrils?? And the sad part is that *this* really was one

of the better shots...
I know I call him the Pony Man now, but
jeeze does he really have to look like one?!
Hmmm....I just had to run out and see if our Arab had nostrils like the ones in the ad picture. Nope, hers look pretty normal to me. :)
Personally, I like the long bridle path he has in the second shot. It enhances the Arab nostrils.
It's the "flaring" of his nostrils that make him look arab like!
Jen his bridle path is NOT that long, the wind caught part of his mane!
Denise, make all the excuses you want, but there's nothing wrong with experimenting with the mane occasionally. Heck, we know you do it all the time with your own mane. Some blond highlights here, an extra long bridle path there. Its nothing to be ashamed of :-).
Lester is very handsome, nostrils and all. :) According to Tyra on ANTM she says that the top models are those with the most unusual features. So, Lester is just showing his off ;)
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