Saturday, March 29, 2008
Well it's Official!

Friday, March 28, 2008
Lester want a cookie??

Happy birfday Lester! I'm so glad you're still here to celebrate another one!
On an annoying note...Less pulled off his right front shoe yesterday while we were virtually doing nothing! He's been really stiff lately and tripping in the kind end again so I was taking it pretty easy on him and doing a lot of walking and just straight way trotting. Well our second trot set he ripped it cleanly off. My farrier is hours away and he's only had his new shoes 2 1/2 weeks! Major bummer...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Chocolate Moose~would be 30 years old today

We had our trainer with us and she did have an "eye" for horses. Moose was 10 years old and 17 hands tall and had a very kind eye. Even though she was unkept and dirty my trainer saw right threw that. She had been a broodmare (records show she had 1 foal, a filly, Newbury Port. ) other than that we have no idea what her previous life was like. I do remember the man that brought her to auction wore hideous red plaid pants. And there was this little white horse that screamed for Moose when we took her out of the stall to jog her, the little white horse was heart broken. Moose had that effect on horses though, they would get so attached. We did hunter/ jumper stuff and she did it well. She was the type of horse that if you were falling off or off balance she would slow down and stop~ trying to save you. And when I did hit the ground she usually just stood over me like, "how'd that happen". Gosh she was perfect too bad I was a temperamental child back then who couldn't "see it":-(
We moved to Georgia in 1993 and brought both horses with us. Shortly after, Jennifer gave Raspilla to our vet's wife at the time (due to lameness reasons), Reesa Frank. They had a big pasture with a lake and some other horses. Sounded perfect and it was for about 2-4 years? I can't remember the timeline exactly.
Moose sustained a hock injury in her stall one day while I was at work. Assuming it was broken, though stupidly I didn't have it xrayed, (ETA: my sis remembered that we did x-ray it and found a hairline fracture )we kept her stalled for 3 months. The first vet that looked at her said it could be an infection, I thought he was crazy as she wouldn't move on it. He was terrible, as he pulled out hoof testers when it was obvious that it was her hock that was bothering her. It was over 13 years ago, but I still remember thinking - this guy doesn't know anything?
So I gave her to my farrier's daughter first, but Moose was too much horse for her, can't remember how long he kept her, but I did get to visit her a couple of times. Then we gave her to Reesa Frank, remember she took Raspilla a couple of years earlier... Perfect huh? WRONG.
Moose and Raspilla lived out there a total of 2 years together. Jennifer and I both horse sat a couple of times and visited them lots of times. So all is well, right- got a new horse, Lester, Jen had a new horse too and we were both taking lessons and starting to show.
Then I just happened to run into Reesa Frank at a store in the winter of 1996...and naturally I asked how Moose was. "Oh I don't have her anymore" she replied. My heart stopped as she continued to talk and tried to assure me she was OK. She had donated Moose to the Murphy Harp Center- a home for abused kids and sold Raspilla- I don't remember what happened to the other 2 horses she had. Now what I can't understand is why didn't the bitch Reesa call us and tell us she didn't want the horses anymore? That still pisses me off to this day! ...I got the phone number from Reesa to call the MHC and check up on Moose. I gave them a call and told them that Moose was my first horse and I just wanted to come visit her. At first they didn't want me to I guess because they didn't want me around the kids, but I finally convinced them and arranged a date and time to come see her. Again I don't remember the exact timeline... so me with my fantastic ability to take the LONG WAY of directions set out to go visit her. I think it took me about 2 hours to get to her when really I think it could have been less than an hour's drive. The MHC is in Cedartown on a lot of acreage and had lots of horses and kind of an old timey barn. I arrived to find Moose too skinny and her feet just in awful shape. She was always a "hard" keeper, but she was never in this condition with me. I did the only sensible thing I could think of and that was to "volunteer" my time and money and provide the care that Moose needed. They could keep her there and I would just be like a sponsor. They thought that sounded great.
So with my new plan in mind I get my new school schedule (I was in college at the time) and call them up about a week or so later to set up a schedule with them. So I make the call and I get "Oh, we don't want her anymore, she has too many problems, we're always having to have the vet out for her". IMMEDIATELY without hesitation I tell her that I will take her back. She didn't think I was serious, but I convinced her and she told me about the paperwork that would need to be signed and all. I hang up the phone just gut wrenched. Though I said I would take her back something in me knew it wasn't going to happen. I moped around the house for a couple of weeks waiting on paper work to arrive that never came. My spring break was coming up and I wanted to spend it rehabbing Moose so I called up MHC and told them that I never got the papers and to fax them to me now and I would take them to Reesa Frank to have them singed and then I will bring the papers with me when we came to get Moose the following day. They agreed, papers were faxed, I got them signed. Again I'm just overcome with a "knowing" sadness yet I don't don't what it is exactly. My mom asked what was wrong and I said "I don't know, I just feel like she's going to die before I get her back".
Even though I "knew" something I still had to go through the motions of the day and picking her up. Jen and I set out with the horse trailer and followed my horrible directions, that's when I learned there was a shorter way there. When we got about 15 minutes away for the center I called to give them a heads up and I get a long pause... " she didn't come to the barn this morning to eat and we have someone looking for her now".
I hang up the phone and No Doubt's song, Don't Speak comes on the radio...
Verse 1 You and me We used to be together Every day together always Verse 2 I really feel I'm losing my best friend I can't believe This could be the end Verse 3 It looks as though you're letting go And it it's real, Well I don't want to know Chorus Don't speak I know just what you're saying So please stop explaining Don't tell me 'cause it hurts Don't speak I know what you're thinking I don't need your reasons Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
To this day I still think of that day when I hear that song. :-( and I still think about Moose daily.
Jen and I arrive and I get out of the truck to some woman saying "you can't take her home today, she's hurt her leg". She said the vet was on his way, and I say that I want to have her put down. Without seeing her that is what I say I want. The lady points me in the direction that Moose is in and I climb up a hill and look down and there she is standing all alone and she nickers for me which brings me to instant tears. Same scenario as before when she injured her hock. Same swelling, same heat same reluctance to move anywhere. I mutter the words if I knew it was going to be your last day I would have brought you a carrot so Jen set off to find a store to do just that. I get some alone time with Moose and it felt like she was already gone as weird as that sounds. I apologize for EVERYTHING and just hug her and cry into her neck.
The vet arrives and wants to begin his examination, I tell him also that I would like for her to be put to rest. I BEG them to put her down, there is no reason to put her through the pain of an exam. The exam begins and the jack ass vet goes right for her injured leg, no soothing words or warning touches, just grabs her leg which of course she tries her best to hobble away from him. Jen and I are screaming and crying to PLEASE just put her down, there is no need to put her through any of this. The head of the MHC comes out in his suit and tie in the middle of this pasture and threw his rank around and tells me that before she can be put down that there has to be an exam and good cause to do so because of the tax write off B.S. They acted as if I had no authority over her and man did they make me feel powerless to help her. The exam continues and Moose tries to get away from the uncaring vet and she falls over in the process, moaning and groaning as he continued with the exam :-( When Jen and I had another outburst of tears and pleading after she fell the head of the center told some chick to "take the girls to the barn" (meaning us) and Jen stood our ground and said "No, we are staying." I stayed at her head and tried to soothe her as best I could and finally - I don't even know or cared what the vet diagnosed - she was put down. I was just disgusted with the swarm of people surrounding her claiming to have known her and crying over her they had no idea what this horse meant to me.
Not a day goes by that I do not regret 2 decisions. First that I ever gave her away in the first place (to what? further a riding career that never was?! - don't get me wrong, I love Lester, but he and I aren't doing anything that Moose and I couldn't have done, Less and I never made it past 1st level) and 2nd that I had her put down that day. I guess the words "you can't take her home today" struck me too hard and if I couldn't take her home and care for her like she needed to be then I wasn't going to leave her in their hands another day. But I do wish I had given her another chance. At least long enough to show her how loved she was and that I had not forgotten her. I still have dreams well I guess somewhat nightmares where I almost get her to SummerWind farm to retire her, but then I remember I had her put down.
Monday, March 24, 2008
My Spooky Arrived

Matt and I have agreed on what to do with Spooky's remaining ashes, she will be laid to rest at the farm, her second home.
Closure is setting in. My pendent has arrived, I have finally finished her portrait for the memoriam site (yes, I'm that anal and changed it even more)- it's finally "her" in my eyes and the words for the memoriam site are coming to me as well.
The Memory Glass service was so fast, professional and made the whole process so easy. I have to admit I didn't know what to expect as far as the kit and having to collect the ashes- but that's because I didn't read the ordering process page :-p I highly recommend them.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Got a light...bulb that is?

Limo had freedom for a day and she loved it and was a perfect angel, no messes and nothing was chewed up. But we are babysitting a friend's greyhound for a bit and so back in the crate she had to go...poor Lim Lim. But she was NOT a gracious host and so back to the crate she went. I tried to be smart about the introduction this time. Gigi and Limo had met before, but she'd never been to our house. In usual greyhound form Gigi come in and felt pretty at home. She whined a bit here and there, but I think that's just her. We took the two girls for a walk, side by side and they ignored each other. Then let them in the backyard and they ate some poop together :-x ewwww This is why Limo gets "air kisses", I never know what she's going to put in her mouth!
So then we walked into the house together, both on lead and I fed Limo cheese as Gigi walked about the house checking things out. I think I need to spread the cheese out a bit more, she gobbled it all up in a matter of a minute or so, trying to take a finger along some of the time.
I did correct her some of the time, but not by throwing her on her side and making her submit, I just pulled her tail down or turned her away and made her face me. Then the pizza came so I put her in the crate and she growled and snarled the first 5 or 6 times Gigi came up to us on the couch and then it would turn into a pitiful whine. By the time she was let out to go potty she was so happy to be out that she paid little attention to Gigi. She slept in her crate and she wasn't happy about it. But this is good for her.
Monday, March 17, 2008
There's nothin like the "pitter patter" sound of dogs on pergo...

Jetta was adopted on Saturday. Bitter sweet for Matt I think, but I am OK with it. I'm not ready to "love" another grey yet. Matt said if Jetta had been our 3rd or 4th foster that we would have kept him, I told him we couldn't "fail" our first foster...
I think Limo is OK with it... Today is a big day for Lim as we left her "out" of her crate today! I'm about to go home and check on her and the house!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Treat this...

Pony man really needs a haircut.

Thursday, March 13, 2008
My head itches daddy...

I hopped on the Pony man (Lester) Monday and felt like we would be very strong contenders in a lead line or walk trot class. Lose rein, mane holding, nice jog with straight up posting and letting the pony wonder...He was a good boy as he has been for quite awhile now.
Pony Man got some new sha- oooz (shoes) on Tuesday so he got his Icon injection to help with his stiff joints and of course earned another smiley from his farrier Ronnie!
Yesterday he was in a new pasture and he still came up to the gate and nickered, sweet sweet pony man. I lunged him for 4.5 minutes, that's about all I could chase out of him. Kidding, he's actually a very good boy on the lunge and even though I am one of those VERY annoying constant clickers and kissers he listens to my voice commands very well. He gave me a nice jog then I hopped and jumped at him a bit and he BOLTED I wasn't expecting it, but as always (usually) he bolts within the realm of his lungeline. Then came a beautiful springy trot and canter, he looked gooooooooood. I will be hopping on that pony today he and I both are getting a bit chubby :-x

Sweet Dreams....NOT

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
My dog ate my flossing tool...

Friday, March 7, 2008
Cutest Pony Ever!
I wish he had been farther away because he really does come running in:-) and if you listen carefully you can hear his nickers.... awwww such cuteness. I didn't notice the grass on his tongue till I played back the video. He's my wittle pon-ney! Pony is so much more fun to say than horse.
I think Less is suffering a bit from allergies...his sweet little eyes have looked a bit puffy to me and he had a runny nose on Weds. So no riding this week so far. And with the outlook on the weather,40's being the HIGH for tomorrow I doubt I'll chose to hop on then either:-)
OK, I got footage of him running in too :-) nothing says cute like a running, nickering pony!Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Memory Glass ~ Spooky

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Grumble, grumble, grumble...

Monday, March 3, 2008
Next top pony model...

I know I call him the Pony Man now, but jeeze does he really have to look like one?!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
OH my aching back...
Saturday, March 1, 2008
It's Jetta the big male greyhound...
Oh I know I'm not supposed to change the name, but Jetta is a girl's name! So I think it should be Jedi... Matt is liking him a little too well ;-) but he just keeps saying "I want him to have a good time while he's here"...uh huh.
Ready for a coinky dink? This guy and Spooky have the same father, Grey's Statesman, man he must really get around! but geeze, how likely would it really be to get one that was the father of Spooky. He also drinks like her, lap lap lap= all over the floor... He's very soft and just a big lug. Travels great in the car, goes right to sleep really.