Monday, December 31, 2007
Bad Blogger

Monday, December 17, 2007
Lester Collage
Monday, December 10, 2007
It was hot yesterday, almost 80 degrees and as you can see Lester and I were both feeling lazy. I seriously can't tell if he's sound or not, never can. But he's got to stay in work to keep the weight off, we both do!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Thanks Limo!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Last Christmas
Thursday, November 29, 2007
My Lil Dressage Pony
I had a little surprise for him yesterday and put sugar cubes in my pocket:-) He got one after he was tacked up and first set up to lunge, then after lunging and again right after I mounted. I made sure to give it to him on his right side asking him to stretch which he had no qualms about! Anything for some sugar! We were still warming up at the walk and I had to laugh when when he just stopped and turned his head to the right wanting another sugar cube.
We did walk, trot and canter. Lovely canter, felt very fluid and loose. No spooking and no running off. Good Dressage Pony. A lil friend told me to lunge him in sidereins because we were having troubles, man was she right:-)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Future looks bright

I'd never been "thrown" from a horse until Lester. He's thrown me 5 times or more, which I guess isn't too bad in the scheme of things, but man I just don't want to hit that hard ground ever again.
The last couple of times I got on him he was so fussy and he's always been stiff on his right side, but he really opposed to me turning him on the right rein. He would rip the reins out of my hands, toss his head and just protest. So I would try to supple and loosen him up by doing lateral work and all that resulted in was more fussing, jigging and just building up nervous energy- the kind of energy that feels like it's going to turn into an explosion of bucking and rearing any minute. Not so nice feeling.
He put on the lbs. again, I would be interested to know how much he weighs now :-x. I even called him the Pigman a few times this month, hmm maybe that is what made him so grumpy?
So you see, not riding or not working him is just not an option. So last week I bit him up and lunged him with side reins. I've lunged him every time this way before getting on him and it has helped alot. We only walked yesterday because it was getting dark, but he was willing and was pretty soft in the mouth and didn't once get fussy or grab the reins out of my hands so for me it was an enjoyable ride...
Monday, November 12, 2007
6 months and counting!
I thought I would put together a remix of video and photos to show some of our journey...
Lester has come such a long way.
The first trot scene was shot the night before he coliced. Doesn't even begin to give any hint to what lay ahead the next morning.
My sister said it best in her comments- "Happy 1/2 birthday Lester"!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
How do you eat a Reese's?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
It's Fall

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Chiropractor Visit....

Friday, October 5, 2007
We Cantered:-)
I'm lucky that Lester puts up with me. I go through phases in my riding where I want to be completely done to- no we aren't done, we can still do this. Bottom line now is I just try to appreciate him more than ever and that includes asking for a little work out of him;-)
I have gone back and forth on "what" should I ask him to do for years now- let him putz around and walk, trot, canter how ever he pleases? Well that ended up in a lot of just unprepared spooks, not to mention I felt like I was on top of a brick. This lead to less riding and spending less time with him...which in turn made him take out the extra time and energy on his herd mates.
So after his surgery and NOT being able to ride him for an unknown amount of time, of course being told I couldn't, I couldn't wait to get back on him. I thought it was going to be 4 months, but it turned out to only be 2.
The first 2 months we only walked. Gradually I asked him for more of an engaged walk and lateral work to see what he could still do and build up his back end to help support his stifle. I also put back boots on him, in a way I kinda think it helps him "know" where and what his back end is doing. He rarely "loses" his hind end now, he is more likely to do so or trip when he's doing a free walk or airplane nose trot.
OH soooooooooooo back to last night's canter... I hadn't been on him in over a week due to him needing shoes, and he had a teary eye a couple of nights so he was feeling pretty good. I can tell he's bored with the same walk and little trot routine. He felt lose and fluid so I asked for the canter and he picked it up very nicely to the left, stayed very well behaved and controlled. We did about 3 20 meter canter circles to the left and then walked and trotted a little right and asked for the same. The canter depart to the right wasn't as nice as the left, but we got there and managed to canter a couple of circles. The whole time cantering I kept waiting for him to lose his hind end, but he didn't! He felt like a little TB ticking time bomb, but he was very good as I know he really did just want to explode. After that he really wanted to strut his stuff, but I called it a day.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
A True Auburn Fan...
The UDbb SE Get Together- Sept. 15, 2007

Lester being mobbed by his fan club:-) Everyone trying to get a piece of him.
It's great having a gathering of "horse people" because you can put them to work;-)

And here is the whole group that par took in the gathering...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
TB Moments

The pic you see to your left has captured a TB moment. He's spooking at the trees. Gotta love him.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Facebook and the FunWall

Thursday, August 30, 2007
New Feets!

I didn't learn any new words from Ronnie today, but he did say he likes that green stuff, guacamole, though he said it like "gackamalee"
Oh and every time I said "You're so handsome" to Lester, Ronnie would thank me and say, "I know, I hear that a lot":-)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Walk this way...
Feel free to critique in the comments section below. I need all the help I can get as I don't have an instructor. But please note I am aware of my hideous hands and arms :-x, that I'm leaning back too much sometimes, that I lean awkwardly at times. Be sure to watch or skip to the end for the half decent shoulder in :-)
Well after reading the lyrics for that Aerosmith Song (Walk this way) I guess it really isn't fitting for a post title, but it still sounds good:-) Less has been under saddle for a month and a half now! Still just walking, but he's really built up a lot of muscle again with just walking and the lateral work we have been doing. I think he feels better about his stifle as well because he's not spooky nor tripping! I've been having a blast with him lately! There is SO much you can do and accomplish at the walk for both you and your horse.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Got UlcerGard?

UlcerGard does the equine body good! ;-)
I keep the UG in the fridge and let him chase it down with a carrot which is also in the fridge. Gosh, it really looks like I'm jamming the tube in there doesn't it?
Note: No one was harmed during this UG administering session
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Win photo misprint...
Monday, August 20, 2007
What do John Henry and Lester have in common?

- Both Thoroughbreds
- Both geldings
- Both have had colic surgery w/ resections done
- Both have a blog! -->JH's blog http://johnhenryhorse.blogspot.com/
Raspilla...10 year reunion

The "Jenbot 1000" (Matt came up with that one ;-) rarely shows

Not all "older" horses get to live out their lives like this, too often they are just sent from home to home and usually end up at an auction where they are bought buy a kill buyer.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Turn on the haunches...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Worming Device...from anonymous

While I appreciate the gesture I don't think I'll be forking over the $14 for this thing. First of all, Lester IS not the problem. I'm the spastic one. He doesn't like it but, aside from hitting me in the head that one day he is very good about being wormed, buted or getting his UlcerGard. Secondly he is VERY willing to accept a bit in his mouth. I don't even have to put my finger in his mouth to get him to take it. I just hold up the bridle for him. If I bought the worming device I think that would change very quickly!
I must admit however it is a very clever looking device. And if you can easily get it on the horse each time I bet it's worth the money!
Thanks for the tip anonymous reader!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
What does UlcerGard taste like?

Why did I taste it again you ask Well it was indirectly. I swear I get worse and worse at administering this stuff . Yesterday I ended up missing Less' mouth entirely and squirting the whole daily dose on the ground.

There it sat, all $7.50 worth of UG, I tried scraping it up with a cookie, but he just looked at me funny.

So I gave Less another dose, this time getting most of it IN him. Then for some reason I licked my finger and that is how I know that UG tastes as awful as GG. It is the same stuff after all, just packaged differently- one is for treatment and the other is maintenance/ preventative.
Moral of this story is things don't always taste as good as they smell...