Da weekend wuzn't really excitin. OMG can I eat that?? Oh, itz just an orange pen thing...I thots it wuz a carrit...Mom did'ent do a lot wich meh. Cept she kep put'n stuffs in meh left eye. I gots dirt or hays in it and it wuz kinda swollen and I wuz keep'n it close'ed most of da time. She trick'ed meh tho, I thot I wuz gonna jus eat grass'es and she spray'ed waters inta meh eye! @#@%$%! It wuz a lite mist, but stills, I did'ent like it. OMG can I eat that?? Oh, itz just da orange pen thing agin...
Dis meh big blak geld'n Fella. I let him drink meh waters a lil bit, then I chases him off jus cuz I can;-) I jus hafta pin meh ears back and make an ugly faces an he gits all scared, ha ha. He hurt'ed hiz leg an I swears I had nothin ta do wich it.

I needs new shoes. I hears Ronnie, meh shoe man will cum dis Weds, I can't waits ta lik his ears an try an eats hiz hat, he luvs wen I does dat. He talks funny too, like insted of sayins "fire" likes fi-er he sez fer-er an "shower" he sez sha-er, mom laffs at him a lots...
OMG can I eat ...oh nevermindz.
Oh I wants to give a big shout outs to meh friend Paul da Mule, we be good penpals now.
I like it that you writed about me, Lestah.
Make sure Your Editor writes down exactly what you say and do not let her miss pell any thing.
Lester, I always expected you to be a better speller. I think you need to get an editor :-).
Jenifner, Lester learned to write and spell from his good pal Paul the Mule...
Lestah, you poh thang...C'mon ovah heh ana I'lla feed'ya
Ana I likes the way ya tawk.
Yo west coast momma,
Fonicks, peoples! Spell it like it sounds!
Heck of an accent if that's spelling like it sounds. I'm not recognizing that twang. :-)
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