I was able to find Limo a pumpkin yesterday! :-) HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE.
The Panalog seems to have done the trick for the itchy spot! I was hoping to get a video of someone scratching it, but he didn't even react- which is a good thing, but I missed a video opp, lol. Anyway, I still don't know what the heck it is- after rubbing and scratching the scab off (though there was never much of one) it revealed two little holes side by side like a bite- but I tell you his leg NEVER swelled so how could it have been a bug bite?
Less was so jazzed up last night I was able to get a close up video of his ninny whinny.
Oh my gosh I just forgot I never got Limo a pumpkin :-o must go do that, hopefully I can still find one!
Less slept in his flannel/ fleece jammies last night, it was in the low 30's :-o! It's not much, but I think it helps him keep his own warmth to himself...on cold mornings I love to shove my cold hands under it:-)
Catalogue horses in blankets eat your hearts out :-p
My first attempt I realized I put too much salsa and I added a whole tortilla instead of one. It's probably best to follow the instructions in the little book that comes with it- but it's so hard for me. Not that I don't want to follow them, but I just read them wrong! It was still edible, a little undercooked though. Too my surprise Matt wanted seconds so this time I followed the instructions exactly to get the above creation. It was simple and actually pretty good:-)
Edit to add the ingredients:
1/2 cup of any salsa
2 eggs
2-4 tbl spoons of cheese
1 tortilla cut in half
*Lay each half of the tortilla in the well (that's GT Express Cooker talk) and spoon the salso onto the tortillas in the well, leave the middle empty to crack your eggs in to. I learned the hard way that you need to poke the yolk- it cooks better that way. Then close you GT cooker and go blog for 10-15 mins and volia! Sprinkle some cheese on top the last few mins of cooking.