Peanut had to come with us to the vet because honestly I didn't trust what she would do in the crate alone or alone in my car! So Nut went for moral support and cried and whined the whole time and she's the not the one that got the shots!
At least here there were no office cats for her to grab. Peanut's chart at her vet has now been "updated" to say she's not cat safe... reminds me of the Seinfeld episode of Elaine trying to steal and change her medical chart, though I wouldn't want to change Nut's!
Awww. Poor Limo. Just look at that pitiful little face.
Peanut, on the other hand looks all wired up! haha
So glad that Limo is doing great, though :)
Limo's giving you the best sad puppy eyes!
Silly as it seems I always like Vet visits....
with the dogs...
oh that's just pathetic.
oooh, sweet Limo. I've never seen her look so docile.
Tell Nut and that wild child hi from Gran.
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