Thanks guys for all your comments and wishing Lester
PonyPigMan well. He's back to normal food rations and his belly has returned to it's normal shape/ size! We soaked his hay in water the last 2 nights giving his hay rack a mini waterfall. I've fixed him "Equine Senior Soup" as well with a little mineral oil and Apple Dex

I love how the ES Triple Crown feed turns into a mash...
Less is seeing the
chiro/massage lady today at 1pm and I'm eager to talk to her....
That's Polo, Lester's bitch, er, pasture buddy:-)
Glad to hear that everything is alright. Colic is such a scary thing!
Poor Less...
Kinda funny about eating all the old hay, my old horse, Four, would've done the same thing - his motto was "waste not want not" no old hay would've gone to waste on his watch either ....
Thanks Steph! I hope you are feeling better too! How are you doing?
Four and Less sound just alike, lol. Less is my little stall vac.
Yay Lester! Keeping gaining there big man.
Looking forward to what the chiro has to say too.
thank goodness he's feeling better. as i write this he should be having his tummy rubbed. i hope you get some pics of that. do you think the therapist will think you are weird that you will document this for the world? :)
now - what did you mean that it is too much work to do a farm wedding? it absolutely isn't. do you need me to step in and help? i am an event planner by trade you know. it would be perfect!!!
oh - i love that pic of less, polo and nut. she is just a tiny horse isn't she. :)
So glad to hear that Less is on the mend! Oh I hate that colic crap or there lack of. My mare stress colics and makes me crazy sometimes! But I have her on a better regimen now and I know her so well that I can tell early on if she starts!
Glad to hear he's doing better. Maybe the chiropractor can make him feel even better. You can see that horse just loves you.
Woot Woot!! Great news! I'm so glad the Less Man is doing so much better. And I hope he stays better forever! :)
I love that sweet photo with Polo :)
I am very happy to hear that Less is feeling better!
Thanks for the update D! :)
Do you and Matt have a wedding date set?
I just came by and saw two three new posts! I SO happy to hear Less is ok, man can I say how much I hate colic? And you're right you never know, it could be mild one minute and an emergency surgery the next.
You know that thing that you said Less does, lifting his leg to be scratched? Ink does that too, lol! Silly TB's :D
The best to you and Less.
glad to see he's better. when you get behind like i do, all ailments and cures happen at once.
that's a lovely shot of you two.
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