she bites...

especially ankles and hocks.
she loves to ram her toys on everyone
She has strange watermelon and trash.
So anyone want to change their guesses before Limo's DNA results come in? Hopefully they will be in next week sometime!
Now that's a dog just made to enjoy life and bring smiles wherever she goes :)
LOL, I'm thinking with the legs, Weiner dog, Color markings, MinPin?, fast?, Whippit? Good cripes, I'd say a curbstone setter! LOL
I love that bite picture! I'm sticking with my lab, chow, shephard, basset hound. :-)
LOLOLOL... Limo is the best kind of dog- a mystery with a comedic twist ;)
She is freaking adorable too. No matter what the DNA says, I bet they cant pin a marker for "Awesome Dog" in there ;)
My Freya sits weird too. She has arthritis and actually came to me that way at 18 months. I think it's painful for her to sit "pretty" rather than "sloppy". Maybe it's the same for Limo? Just more comfy to have a sloppy sit?
I still say some ACD or something similar in there. Ankle biting might be her herding insticts showing up.
I still say Corgi and Basset Hound prmiarily.
That bite picture is tooooooooo funny!
Has to have some Basset, with feet like those.
After that, i'm out of ideas. some sort of shepherd to get the black and tan maybe?
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