Less used to get really obnoxious and pushy especially towards the other horses when I went days/weeks without riding him. Maybe the turnouts/ playtime take the edge off for him because his demeanor is as if I still rode him. Or maybe he just knows those days are over?

I do wonder if perhaps we might could trail ride or just hack. He used to be of such sound mind to go anywhere I wonder if that could ever be possible again? I know I stopped riding him because I felt him become uncomfortable and he spooked alot, but I've given him 2 + months off and wonder if I had him adjusted by a chiro and got on him to only walk and ask him for no work what so ever would he be comfortable with that?

He not only can look like a QH at times, but when we showed I had alot of people ask me if he was a QH because he was so mellow.
Give it a shot - he might just enjoy it, as long as you take it easy. Sounds as if you might, too.
Would it hurt to try? What do you have to lose?
What about a "trail hand walk" firstly? Hills and such..stretch im out.
That photo of him seemingly, sticking his tongue out at ya, is cool!
One day Less is an Arab and the next a QH, what a cutie. Full of personality!
Maybe you should consult your vet about your thoughts and see what he has to say?
I'd get your vet's opinion on this.
But if its just easy, mellow trails then I don't think it would hurt.
If your vet okay's it you could always give it a try and if it didn't feel right then you'd know.
In the picture with his head down he sure looks like a QH - but he is looking like a million bucks anyways.
If I were I you I would give it a try - take it slow. If in doubt try it next spring....
Less looks really great in those pictures...all buff and shiny.
That tongue photo cracks me up! I have never seen my horse wag her tongue out ever. Seems that geldings do it more than mares. What do you think?
It's really cute, though :)
A good hack together might be something that the two of you may enjoy.
YOu never know unless you try. Take it easy...take it slow...but just do it! :)
was just talking to Brooke about lester's tongue today.
on our way to washing puppies.
D2, I know you miss riding Less so much. But, when you made your decision to stop riding Lester, your reasoning was very sound. It wasn't a happy decision but at the time it sounded like the best decision for both of you. Please give it a lot of thought and be very careful. L, M
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