This photo was reenacted with a Q-tip
This is where Limo and I first met 2+ years ago- The ramp of 
the trailer I now work in. She was a sick, piti-full-of worms little pup. I'm not even sure how old she was when we found her. As you can see to the left she's a bit happier these days.

I was tempted to swab alittle in Peanut's mouth so she would come out with some greyhound in here;-)
So what are your breed guesses for Limo?
How long will it take for the results to come back??
What a great birthday present! I can't wait to find out.
They say it takes up to 2 weeks! I mailed it last Tues, so hopefully next week we will have it!
That's pretty cool. I don't know where Jen got your kit, but I saw one in the Orvis catalog. I showed it to my neighbor who has a mix puppy. First, the vet thought Rosie was a doberman/rottweiler mix, but now they think a doberman/jack russel mix. My neighbor was tempted but opted not to buy the kit. I can't wait to hear your results!
Forgot to take a guess on Limo's breed....Well I'm not sure. She does look a little like my neighbor's puppy, Rosie. Rosie has more dark brown where Limo is blondish yellow.
I'll guess some german shepherd amd husky (the eyes remind me of husky for some reason).
You're right Denise, she definitely has Pharaoh ears. Like my Rosie, with a good tail wind, she could fly :-)!! No Pharaoh Hound on the validated breeds list though so it won't show up in her results. I'm gonna guess GSD, Rotweiller, and dachshund.
I can't wait to find out the results!!
Oooh! Guess the dog breed game! Usually, I'm pretty good at this!
I guess Doxie, Doberman and Heeler! Really, I have no idea and have seen some pretty incredible things with this test already. Limo is very unique unto her self.
I really, really want to get the Wisdom Panel done for my Freya. We think she's collie and malamute. CP and I think maybe a smidgen of wolf too. I adopted her in Alaska where both Mals and Collies are popular, but other than Freya, I never saw another collie/malamute mix, which I found strange!
If her ears didn't stick up, I would say bassett and dauchshund, but because of those ears, I will say that she maybe has some corgi or shepherd in there some where as well.
Can't wait to see what she is!
I say there is some type of dauchshund. It doesn't matter what, I just want to kiss that cute little nose!
I gave Lester an award. Come to my blog to claim it..
Well due to her colouring I'd say she has German Shepherd in there. And to get that length of body I'd guess Dachshund or Corgi.
OK, I'm going to say.... lab, chow, shephard (cause don't all mixed breeds have a little of all 3), and basset hound.
That is really cool! The results should be interesting!
I'm with the others, sheppard, corgi, daschund, probably some lab...
Ok - I'm going to say basset, rottie, and wiener dog.
What a cute puppy pic! She was just too cute as a baby. How could you not want to just cuddle that baby? Well, after the worms were gone.
LOL GBd- she was huggable after the worms and TICKS were gone. I can't believe I didn't get any pics of her ears, but she had massive amounts of stuffed ticks in her ears :-( it was so gross and sad she kept her little head cocked.
Good guesses guys!
My guess is:
German Shephard
Matt is convinced she has corgi in her.
I've heard about the DNA test, but don't know anyone who had done it yet. It seams like when you go to the shelter all dogs around here are either Shepard mix, or pitbull mix. Can't wait to hear the results.
part penguin, part shirley temple.
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