No worries, no credit cards were involved and both dogs are still in good credit standing. I'm still a bit confused on how the mix up happened, all I know is we got the big cry baby one :-p Seriously, Matt slept in the spare bedroom with a pillow over his head and I slept with protective ear muffs one would wear at a shooting range! There might be hope yet though. I took this first webcam shot about 8:30am, she was up and down, hollering, crying and panting... if you look closely you can see poor little Limo on the bed behind the cage (rolling her eyes). 

Now if you were watching the cam about noonish Georgia time then you probably saw me standing in front of the camera- hopefully I didn't do anything "just wrong"- I was on the phone with my sis and forgot I was in a room with a camera! :-o Any way I let both dogs out separately and Peanut seemed pretty happy. She came back in and threw the stuffy toy all over the room. I left both girls with a stuffed kong toy and these were the pics I captured off the webcam later this afternoon...

It's kinda hard to believe looking at her now that she ran 108 races and won 38 of them :-o
Girl....this one might be your craziest one yet. Whew. I was ready to give out a foster ribbon to you, but have put in my order for a large trophy! LOL. Peanut always made me laugh in the kennel with her antics...she would always pop her water bucket and spill water all over the floor when I was almost finished. Sometimes this was funnier than others. Good luck! You rock!
Oh Looking at those greyhounds makes me miss mine. I had a lovely greyhound, Brightie. She lived to be 13 and she too was a brindle. One of the best dogs I've ever had. Just a lover!
LOL mgp!
I slept without ear muffs! :-) There is hope yet for this NUT! She slept on a dog bed ALL night beside my bed. and yes she stands in the water bowl!
Callie- I'd love to see pics of your late grey, you're so lucky to have had her live to 13! How is your appy dog these days?! :-)
Can you teach greyhounds to pull a cart? She and Kadabra are a perfect matched pair. ;-)
i think peanut and kadabra are twins separated at birth. what a pair. maybe you can do a two time adoption!
if anyone can quiet down a cry baby it's you and matt!
she seems calmer. been watching while listening to the news (do i need to watch the news?) while my manboy packs. just up and down but not frantic. and the mouth doesn't look like it's rooing.
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