When I was on him Weds. and testing what makes him trip or stumble, I thought "OMG, what am I doing? What is the point to any of this, he clearly can't do what I'm asking comfortably".
During the pre-purchase exam 12+ years ago Less was lame going right on the lunge line, but of course x-rays didn't show anything...my vet and farrier summed it up to thin soles and sore feet from being ridden on frozen ground...ya now I'm starting to think it's a really BAD thing when your horse is lame or NQR and you have xrays done and find nothing. I used to always be relieved when nothing was found...I don't think like that anymore.
Since *this* has been going on for years I dont' think it's EPM, because it has lasted so long, but I could be wrong... also no vet has ever mentioned it, a spinal cord injury is what was brought up in April.
Well it's time to go see family and pick up another greyhound foster....
Hugs to you and Less Denise. Thanks for sharing - it does sound nuerological :( I think you are doing the right thing - it's what I would do in your situation. Better to be safe and let Less have a happy life. I am thinking of you and sending jingles your way.
Ooooh, new foster. Is it by any chance Maddie? (saw the post on Greytblackdog... loved her!)
Interesting thoughts on the neurological issues. What are you going to do to look further into it?
I know you tagged me and I'll be posting my 6 unknown facts tomorrow! I have something else exciting that I want to post today!! :)
hmmm, well if he's had it for a long time, it could be a lot of things. have you ever had x-rays of his cervical spine done? i did this with my horse to rule out wobbler syndrome.
i'm not suggesting this is his problem, but i've heard of horses having mild cases of epm for years without a definitive diagnosis, and i know i've had horses with lyme who went undiagnosed for years. one of my first horses, years ago before anyone really understood lyme or thought to check for it, had such a bad case that he developed 'shivers'-like symptoms and became narcoleptic - he would fall asleep on his feet and fall down, among other things. we couldn't keep him in a stall because he'd hurt himself when he fell, and he ended up destroying his knees and ankles. turned out it was lyme disease, but we discovered it too late...
so, i can completely sympathize with your pain and frustration. you're doing the best for Less given the circumstances, and he's lucky to have you. there are just so many things that can go wrong, and you can make yourself nuts trying to figure it out. but if you're like me, you won't be happy until you know what it is...
ps- i did watch the longeing video - what a cutie! and so much personality. i love the part when he tried to sneak a snack during his walk break and then tried to visit with the unsuspecting pedestrian! (he reminds me of my horse :-) i didn't notice anything too glaring in his trot that would make me say 'oh my!' if i didn't know he had a problem, i'd just think he was a bit lazy or tired. he does drag his toes behind a bit, and he loses coordination in his down transitions, but luckily he looks comfortable and doesn't appear to be suffering... he seems very sweet and i wish him the best :-)
I am sorry about your boy. I did a little bit of back reading, on your posts about his problems, and it does sound like a neurological problem. I think that you made a very hard, but correct, decision :(
You are not going to quit riding for good are you? Maybe some answers will eventually turn up for the two of you.
PS- I left you an award over at my blog!
Denise I'm sorry about Less. But I think you're making a good choice. Many ((hugs)) to you. Errika, Ink and I send our best.
I'd like to exchange screen-names with you, so maybe when you have time we could chat.
Seal- Thanks for the hugs and jingles...I don't think he's dangerous in his coordination, but I felt him on the verge of wanting to throw me off many times, not to mention the spooking was never fun.
cdn- Maddie sounds like a good one, but no, we are fostering a cry baby named Go Peanut Go:-) GBD is fostering Maddie:-)
kristie- we are going to take some xray views of his neck... I'm looking fwd to reading your 6 facts!:-)
jme- he always has to treat himself to some grass during a hard work out like that :-p It's funny, I can watch the video and go "wow, he doesnt' look that bad" and then I watch it again and see a lot of wrong with it. Again it boils down the feelings of being on him, it's just not fair to him anymore.
knuston- you're so sweet! Thanks for the award. Not sure about quitting riding all together, I've always loved riding my horse, ya know? It's never been just about riding.
inkeq- thanks girl, and what IM do you use? I have trillian so I have an aim, yahoo, msn and of course trillian account.
I think you are doing the right thing - although I can tell how much it hurts you to give up on riding.
Any chance you can give Less a retirement and pick up a new pony to ride? You seem to enjoy it? Maybe a lease?
I will keep you two in my thoughts anyway...up us updated
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